Your candidate database is your value! Know the skills distribution in it, finally!

  As Actonomy, we help you to establish an insight in the skills potential of your candidate database! Automatically, Actonomy analyses all the profiles that are stored in your ATS/CRM and converts into a skills insight on candidates.  Thanks to the advanced us of AI/ML, Actonomy succeeds in analyzing all your candidate profiles and create

2022-10-04T03:00:48+01:00September 16th, 2022|Categories: blog|

Candidates don’t know their skills …. or …… don’t search for it!

  We all know about the shortage on the labor market!  We all know that companies are doing their utmost to find and attract talent.  On the other hand, a vast majority of candidates are desperately looking for a new job. Many recruiters and companies follow the shift of sourcing people based on experience towards

2022-10-04T03:01:24+01:00August 23rd, 2022|Categories: blog|

Your search strategy : rely on AI to make you a better searcher!

  As a recruiter you know what a search strategy is! It consists of the different steps you take when searching for candidates, the way you combine search criteria and the way you evaluate a shortlist of candidates.  Those sound like obvious and simple steps, but often it leads to long and complex processes. If

2022-09-27T05:46:24+01:00August 16th, 2022|Categories: blog|

Actonomy at Recruitmenttech Demo Day Belgium, June 2nd, 2022

We are again proud to be part of the live recruitment demo day event in early June! Actonomy will bring recruitment automation for staffing agencies up to a next level!  Integrated automated matching with high quality lead generation, will get at any time the right candidate for a vacancy and at any time the right

2022-09-23T09:04:04+01:00April 6th, 2022|Categories: events|

Automated & Active Sourcing for Staffing Agencies within the Otys platform. – Webinar on March 22th, 2022

Automation of the sourcing process will help to get you candidates and to increase the overall ROI of you agency!.... And it will let your consultants focus more on the essential part of the business and not loose time in searching for candidates. Actonomy will focus on how sourcing can be automated in combination with

2022-03-30T13:24:10+01:00March 18th, 2022|Categories: events|

Get more out of your Otys Match Criteria – the power of automated tagging!

As an Otys user, you undoubtedly know what match criteria are! An interesting and very good way to provide both vacancies and candidates with extra criteria - the so-called meta criteria or criteria that are not necessarily in the profile, but are added by the consultant or recruiter. However, these criteria work 'one-on-one', which means

2022-10-04T03:01:55+01:00January 6th, 2022|Categories: news|

Actonomy Use Case on combining hard & soft skills matching with Ubeeo & traicie during Recruitment Tech Day on November 18th, 2021

During an interactive session, our partner Ubeeo will explain how they combine our matching with soft skills matching.  Important cases such as NS (national railways in The Netherlands) will be to demonstrate the unique way to match candidates early in the recruitment process. Ubeeo will also demonstrate how the soft skills matching of traicie add

2022-09-23T09:05:53+01:00November 4th, 2021|Categories: events|
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