Actonomy for Carerix V2.0 : new plug-in released!

A new powerful matching plug-in for Carerix was released.  Apart from the latest AI matching power, the plug-in offers some interesting new features : Actonomy Insight : an interactive way to create your own matching models using a simple 'click' to set your weights, your preferences and what is important.  Simulate the way you want

2021-06-11T09:17:53+01:00January 27th, 2021|Categories: news|

X-mas message from our CEO

Dear All, We are approaching the end of the year.  A remarkable year in all aspects but we are not complaining! We managed to maintain our level of business and we managed to work even more closely with partners and clients.  We also welcome some larger new clients (such as Agilitas)  both in the Belgian

2021-06-11T09:26:30+01:00December 17th, 2020|Categories: news|

Actonomy in zee met Agilitas!

Agilitas, één van de grootste uitzendgroepen in België, heeft Actonomy uitgekozen om zijn Carerix rekruteringsplatform te voorzien van de beste searching en matching technologie die er momenteel op de markt is. Flexibiliteit, configureerbare engine en een uiterst vlotte samenwerking zorgden ervoor dat Actonomy het haalde van zowel gevestigde waarden als nieuwkomers in de sector. Agilitas

2021-06-11T09:19:13+01:00November 3rd, 2020|Categories: news|
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