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REC+ in Barcelona, some impressions…

March 6th, 2019|blog|

Lesson learned! Jobboards are death, that's what people have been saying now for years, but if you attend the conference, you can only get a totally different impression!

Looking back into 2018, looking forward to 2019!

December 28th, 2018|news, Whats-New|

Thanks to our clients and partners, 2018 was a great year for Actonomy. On the development side, several big steps were taken. Looking forward to 2019! Our key goal for 2019 remains to support our clients and partners even better!

Combining Actonomy’s ontology with ESCO.

July 6th, 2018|blog, Whats-New|

Actonomy’s HR-ontology is the core component behind the xMP Semantic Mind and the xMP Data Services. It does not only allow to retrieve e.g. job titles but also to provide relations between job titles and skills. 

xMP new languages support for Italian and Portugese

July 6th, 2018|news, Whats-New|

The latest version of the Actonomy xMP technology supports Italian and Portugese as additional languages. Not only the semantic search & matching is available for these languages but also the xMP Data Services providing access to the core ontology.

Research results of ASIMOV available!

October 11th, 2017|news|

Asimov is a large scale research project that was done by Actonomy, Crosslang, De Persgroep in collaboration with iMEC (IDlab) and KUL on how machine learning could be used to generate automatically ontologies in a multilingual environment.

HR Analytics Services from Actonomy launched!

June 27th, 2017|news|

Understanding the key characteristics of your candidates, employee and vacancy data is important for many staffing agencies and corporate HR departments.  However, often recruiters have no real insight in what profiles they have in their candidate pool or amongst their employees...