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  • transparant insight job matching

How transparent job and candidate matching works

March 5th, 2020|blog, Whats-New|

Unlike other technologies, xMP gives insights in the processes that have lead to proposed matches between candidates and jobs. Elementary in this transparency approach is the idea of showing why a certain vacancy and a certain job candidate form a perfect match.

  • visualisation ontology actonomy

How HR-ontologies map the working world

February 11th, 2020|blog|

One of the most buzzed words in machine learning today is ‘ontology’. Yet, it is a quintessential element in making automatic language understanding a success. Even more so when it is used in searching and matching technology for HR-purposes.

  • flexible recruitment technology is like a swiss knife

Flexible Recruitment Technology Explained

February 1st, 2020|blog|

Actonomy believes searching must be flexible, taking into account all kind of elements that can vary depending on the kind of queries the technology is to perform. When looking for a welder, you need to take a different approach than when searching a software engineer.

  • two planets recruiters mars candidates venus

Recruiters are from Mars, candidates are from Venus

December 26th, 2019|blog|

Employers and candidates seem to have outspoken different views on technology when it comes to recruiting, a recent study by PSI Talent Management proves. Candidates are much more open-minded when embracing technologies such as robotics or the use of artificial intelligence than recruiters believe them to be.

  • AI in HR

Artificial Intelligence Or Artificial Hype?

November 29th, 2019|blog|

Artificial Intelligence, as one of the corner stones of his theories and views, has come from nowhere to almost everywhere in almost no time. Smart chips are even entering our bodies (like in the case of some diabetes treatments), Artificial Intelligence is making its entrance in more and more applications.

From matching job titles to matching skills

November 5th, 2019|blog|

In the current economic climate, seasoned with labor shortage and volatile career movements, it is essential to be fast and smart when recruiting talent. An important element to consider when switching to skill searching, is how to measure skills in candidates and their résumés.

Why recruitment needs AI-powered searching and matching

September 30th, 2019|blog|

Over the last few decades, the world of work has evolved drastically. People change jobs, move to different places, switch between employment and self-employment, and want to combine their work with their private lives. Welcome to the war for talent.

  • new website actonomy

Welcome to our new website!

September 2nd, 2019|news|

Actonomy is proud to launch its brand new website. More than before, the new site focuses on the demands of the customers, and the services Actonomy is offering to answer these demands.